Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Wine, Who Knew?

As most of you know, I am always up for trying new combinations of things, when it comes to cooking and baking.

Well have I got one for you for this holiday season. With Halloween a couple days away here is a review and recipe for you.

The wine comes from our friends at Diamond head Wine(they are located between Pryor and Adair,OK.You can find their site at www.diamondheadwine.com.They specialize in fruit and dessert wines.) The wine is called Jack-O-Lantern, and as you may have guessed by the name it is a pumpkin wine. Here is what it looks like:

According to wine creator, it took him four years to come up with creation. The orange color reminds you of an Oklahoma sunset. Upon opening the wine, you are greeted with the pungent aroma of pumpkin and some spice.

The wine does have the flavor of pumpkin pie, but with a bit of a  heat kick in the back end. It is a good kick though. I could see sitting down with a glass at the holidays and watching some holiday specials.

The recipe I came up with for this, is the following(Happy Halloween):

Pumpkin Wine Cake:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

One Best Choice Spice Cake Mix

 One and 1/3 cups of the Jack-O-Lantern wine pictured above in the beginning of this post, to replace the water you would normally put into this cake.
1/3 cup of vegetable oil
3 whole eggs, cracked

Combine all of your ingredients in a mixing bowl, until well combined:

Once well combined pour in to a silicone pumpkin shaped pan, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, on a pizza pan

Bake for 30-45 minutes. Once the cake is done, and your toothpick test comes out with a clean toothpick, turn it out to cool. Turn off the oven.

Here is an optional frosting for the cake:

6T of Prepared Cream Cheese frosting
4 T of Jack-O-Lantern wine

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and frost your cake, and serve with a glass of pumpkin wine or your favorite Halloween beverage.

I hope you will stop by the  Diamondhead Wine website, or if your out Northeast Oklahoma way stop by their facility.(for more info check the website).

I also hope your will enjoy this cake with who ever you choose.  This wine also does well in a gingerbread mix also. Enjoy!

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